The Pattern of the Early Church
The description of the early church in Acts 2:42-47 gives a basic outline of what God intends the church to be:
42 And they [the early church] continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. 43 And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. 44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common; 45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. 46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, 47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
The church is made up of people called by God to be His children. The Lord intended for there to be a visible church for a testimony to the world. An organization’s structure is determined by its purpose. For example each position on the football team has a particular job. It is structured to meet the needs of the purpose of the team—offensively to score, defensively to keep the other team from scoring.
The church has basically a two-fold purpose that is stated in many different ways by different churches. Purpose statements usually include something along these lines, “To glorify God by knowing Him and making Him known.” A more expanded version would be “to make disciples by growing in our relationship to God and teaching others in keeping with Bible instruction.” Whatever the purpose of the church, the organizational structure should be to undergird and facilitate that purpose.
Acts 2:42 delineates the basic ingredients of church life in the first church. 42 And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. The only other thing you can add to that was preaching the good news of Jesus Christ. Everywhere they went as they had opportunity they provided witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a result “the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (v. 47).
Don’t think that evangelism wasn’t important to the early church because it was not delineated. It was a “given” that each would person would share his/her faith. The purpose of the church was plainly given by Christ in what is known as “The Great Commission” (Matthew 28:18-20). Unfortunately in many churches it is “The Great Omission.”
The basic functions are:
Bible Study
We find that the first expansion of the church organization took place in response to a particular need in the church. Most are familiar with the passage in Acts 6. The need arose because the task of ministry was too great for the Apostles. Church organizational growth should be in response to the needs of ministry. Often these needs are not perceived early, resulting in conflict which will always focus attention on the need.
The twelve apostles led the early church until needs demanded the organizational structure develop and elders and deacons were trained to lead and serve. One must be careful that the church not become bureaucratic rather than functioning as a body with each member fulfilling a particular task or role. Often the pitfall of organization is that the church operates like the government rather than as a body. What are the purposes of committees and councils and are they the most efficient way to accomplish the work God has given the church to do? Are they good stewardship of His resources?
Questions that are essential for the church to ask are:
1. What is the basic task of the church?
2. Is the leadership biblical?
3. Is the church organized to efficiently carry out that task in a biblical, efficient way that is good stewardship of God’s resources?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
The fundamentals
No body is complete without a head. There is an old saying, “Anything with no head is dead, and anything with more than one head is a freak.” The Bible plainly teaches that there is structure to all relationships. The ultimate head in all relationships whether social or governmental is God. He is the one who places all heads of government in office (Romans 13:1) and He is the one who is to be the head of the family (Ephesians 5:22-26). Ultimately man must give account to God for all of his activities.
Even though Jesus and God are equal, the Scripture teaches that Christ submits to the authority of the Father. Various passages give account of Christ’s submission to the Father. One of the references is 1 Corinthians 11:3
3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
The head of the church is the Lord Jesus Christ. In Ephesians Paul says, Ephesians 4:15-16 15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: 16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. Although we are to do everything we can in the church, it is the power of Christ that makes everything everlasting work.
No body is complete without a head. There is an old saying, “Anything with no head is dead, and anything with more than one head is a freak.” The Bible plainly teaches that there is structure to all relationships. The ultimate head in all relationships whether social or governmental is God. He is the one who places all heads of government in office (Romans 13:1) and He is the one who is to be the head of the family (Ephesians 5:22-26). Ultimately man must give account to God for all of his activities.
Even though Jesus and God are equal, the Scripture teaches that Christ submits to the authority of the Father. Various passages give account of Christ’s submission to the Father. One of the references is 1 Corinthians 11:3
3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
The head of the church is the Lord Jesus Christ. In Ephesians Paul says, Ephesians 4:15-16 15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: 16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. Although we are to do everything we can in the church, it is the power of Christ that makes everything everlasting work.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Biblical Church Polity
A look at what the Bible says about local church organization
The other day a person asked how we determined our church organizational structure. As most other pastors, my initial response was, “from the Bible.” It does not, however, take a thorough examination of the Scripture to find that much of the organizational structure as well as the polity of the typical late 20th Century church is not directly derived from Scripture. It is easy to understand how so many denominations came into being when you understand the different organizational and leadership styles.
Many believe that the church is to be a Theocracy rather than a democracy in the way it is governed. Does God’s Word give us direction as to how the church should be organized and structured? Are the instructions in Scripture sufficient for the staffing and operation of the mega-churches of our day?
I believe that there is room given for various leadership styles in the Bible. While God has given some basic guidelines for the structure of the church, there is room for creativity and variety in the organizational structure as long as the foundational principles of God’s Word are not violated.
The other day a person asked how we determined our church organizational structure. As most other pastors, my initial response was, “from the Bible.” It does not, however, take a thorough examination of the Scripture to find that much of the organizational structure as well as the polity of the typical late 20th Century church is not directly derived from Scripture. It is easy to understand how so many denominations came into being when you understand the different organizational and leadership styles.
Many believe that the church is to be a Theocracy rather than a democracy in the way it is governed. Does God’s Word give us direction as to how the church should be organized and structured? Are the instructions in Scripture sufficient for the staffing and operation of the mega-churches of our day?
I believe that there is room given for various leadership styles in the Bible. While God has given some basic guidelines for the structure of the church, there is room for creativity and variety in the organizational structure as long as the foundational principles of God’s Word are not violated.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
thoughts on tattoos
Leviticus 19:26-28
26 ‘You shall not eat anything with the blood, nor shall you practice divination or soothsaying. 27 You shall not shave around the sides of your head, nor shall you disfigure the edges of your beard. 28 You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.
Please be sure to read and get the entire context of these verses. In biblical days, tattoos and piercings were used to mark slaves. Often they were used to identify with pagan gods.
These verses clearly speak to how God’s people are to be different from surrounding culture, and especially idol worship. They prohibit cutting the hair on the side of the head or the beard and cutting the body either for the dead or with tattoo marks. These activities were practiced by pagans especially during times of mourning for the land. The Israelites were not to emulate pagan practices in this regard since they maintained a sacredness for life and for the human body.
The body is a marvelous creation of God. Its wholeness represents the beauty and perfection of holiness. Thus the body is to be kept whole. It is not to be intentionally harmed or marred in any way.
However, we must be careful that we do not fall to the fault of applying part of the Scripture if we do not follow all of it. We DO trim our beards, and we Do trim our sideburns. If you notice the Orthodox Jews and the curls that flow down the sides from the sideburns, that is what it refers to. So, if we enforce one, why do we not enforce both.
While I do not like tattoos, the biblical prohibition was because it was an outward show of pagan belief and God’s people were not to be identified as being “conformed to that lifestyle” but different—set apart. It is probably a stretch to make the same application today. Our problem is that often we look at the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law. Many other areas of lifestyle identify us with the “world” rather than with God, from places we go, things we do, etc.
The bottom line for me is the question, “Does it honor Christ?” The Scripture is very clear, “Whatever you do, do all the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31).” If God cannot be glorified in it, we should not do it.
Both of my boys have chosen not to listen to their Dad. Their tattoos do not blaspheme or mark them to idols, but they do in my mind disfigure their bodies and I personally believe they will one day regret them. Their tattoos honor their Country, but I am not sure they honor their God. But I don’t think religious tattoos would either. It is not what is on the outside in profession. It is what is on the inside as possession that causes the outside to be what it ought to be. It is from the inside out—not outside in.
26 ‘You shall not eat anything with the blood, nor shall you practice divination or soothsaying. 27 You shall not shave around the sides of your head, nor shall you disfigure the edges of your beard. 28 You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the LORD.
Please be sure to read and get the entire context of these verses. In biblical days, tattoos and piercings were used to mark slaves. Often they were used to identify with pagan gods.
These verses clearly speak to how God’s people are to be different from surrounding culture, and especially idol worship. They prohibit cutting the hair on the side of the head or the beard and cutting the body either for the dead or with tattoo marks. These activities were practiced by pagans especially during times of mourning for the land. The Israelites were not to emulate pagan practices in this regard since they maintained a sacredness for life and for the human body.
The body is a marvelous creation of God. Its wholeness represents the beauty and perfection of holiness. Thus the body is to be kept whole. It is not to be intentionally harmed or marred in any way.
However, we must be careful that we do not fall to the fault of applying part of the Scripture if we do not follow all of it. We DO trim our beards, and we Do trim our sideburns. If you notice the Orthodox Jews and the curls that flow down the sides from the sideburns, that is what it refers to. So, if we enforce one, why do we not enforce both.
While I do not like tattoos, the biblical prohibition was because it was an outward show of pagan belief and God’s people were not to be identified as being “conformed to that lifestyle” but different—set apart. It is probably a stretch to make the same application today. Our problem is that often we look at the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law. Many other areas of lifestyle identify us with the “world” rather than with God, from places we go, things we do, etc.
The bottom line for me is the question, “Does it honor Christ?” The Scripture is very clear, “Whatever you do, do all the glory of God (1 Cor 10:31).” If God cannot be glorified in it, we should not do it.
Both of my boys have chosen not to listen to their Dad. Their tattoos do not blaspheme or mark them to idols, but they do in my mind disfigure their bodies and I personally believe they will one day regret them. Their tattoos honor their Country, but I am not sure they honor their God. But I don’t think religious tattoos would either. It is not what is on the outside in profession. It is what is on the inside as possession that causes the outside to be what it ought to be. It is from the inside out—not outside in.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Understanding Islam (Pt. 2)
A study of Islam reveals that there are hardly any Islamic democracies. That's because the very nature of Islam calls for submission and submission for people in the nation. The state and the religion are joined together so that being loyal to your government is the same as being loyal to Allah. You must obey the king, who is the regent of Allah. So, Muslims believe that Allah is the only true god and that the Quran is the perfect holy book that teaches the correct way of belief and practice.
Now, if they can find passages in the Quran that tell them to attack and kill the infidels, or the non-believers, those who will not submit to Allah, then they know that in their interpretation that's exactly what they are to do.
More moderate Muslims look at those passages in a cultural context and historical context and would say, "Well, that's not what Allah wants us to do now." But for radical Islam that is exactly how they justify what they do. So classical Islam divides the world into two areas:
• the world of peace where Islam is practiced and the Quran is observed,
• and the world of warfare and ignorance that is dominated by non Muslims.
So if you're not a Muslim you are in darkness, you are in ignorance and you are in rebellion to the one true God. The mission of radical Islam is to bring the second world, the world of warfare and ignorance under the submission to Allah.
Islam is energized by a theocratic world vision and mission. Islam believes there is one true God, Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. So they believe that Christians are far off the mark. They say that Christians believe in three Gods, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. They reject that. They say the Jews falsely worship Jehovah who was not the true God. They would say to pagans they falsely worship all kinds of idols whether they be made of wood and stone or whether they be made of fiberglass and metal. Therefore, it is our job to convert you. This is a missionary religion.
One of the ways this figures into Bible prophecy is that in Matthew 24 Jesus warned again and again that in the last days false prophets will come in my name and they will deceive many. That's exactly what's happened. The Bible also predicts as we're going to see that the Muslim countries will figure greatly into the war of Armageddon and into the last days' conquest of the world. The Bible predicts a time when the descendants of Ishmael are going to be very, very powerful and very numerous.
Islam can be found in great numbers on every continent. Many think Islam must be confined to the Middle East. It must be confined to the Bedouins and the desert dwellers, but this is not the case. Indonesia has a great Muslim population. Africa has a huge Muslim population. Europe and America have a sizeable Muslim population. So, Islam is a mobile religion. It has been carried by followers of Islam to every continent. It's surprising to find in every culture and in every continent strong numbers of Islam. So if we put our heads in the sand and we say, "We don't want to study it. We're afraid of it." Then we're not going to understand what's going to happen in the last days.
The concept of Jihad has two aspects, the Islamic requirements that the individual must practice to be a worthy Muslim. (While there are five tenets of Islam, there are other certain requirements that are made especially by the extremists. This is a part of Jihad.) So the Islamic person that's on a Jihad has to submit himself to rigorous training. He has to be fit mentally. He has to be fit morally. He has to be fit in his skills because he is a warrior for Allah.
We are seeing in almost every major population center a Muslim Mosque or house of Islamic worship. That was not the case twenty years ago. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America today. With the migration of so many Muslims into this country Islam has become a larger part of our multi-culture society. It is imperative that believers know what they believe, why, and how to reach them for Jesus. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the only way to heaven and if we really love all men, we do not want them to be deceived and follow false gods, but to come to faith in Jesus Christ. And so, the importance of understanding Islam. It has extremely important implications.
Now, if they can find passages in the Quran that tell them to attack and kill the infidels, or the non-believers, those who will not submit to Allah, then they know that in their interpretation that's exactly what they are to do.
More moderate Muslims look at those passages in a cultural context and historical context and would say, "Well, that's not what Allah wants us to do now." But for radical Islam that is exactly how they justify what they do. So classical Islam divides the world into two areas:
• the world of peace where Islam is practiced and the Quran is observed,
• and the world of warfare and ignorance that is dominated by non Muslims.
So if you're not a Muslim you are in darkness, you are in ignorance and you are in rebellion to the one true God. The mission of radical Islam is to bring the second world, the world of warfare and ignorance under the submission to Allah.
Islam is energized by a theocratic world vision and mission. Islam believes there is one true God, Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet. So they believe that Christians are far off the mark. They say that Christians believe in three Gods, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. They reject that. They say the Jews falsely worship Jehovah who was not the true God. They would say to pagans they falsely worship all kinds of idols whether they be made of wood and stone or whether they be made of fiberglass and metal. Therefore, it is our job to convert you. This is a missionary religion.
One of the ways this figures into Bible prophecy is that in Matthew 24 Jesus warned again and again that in the last days false prophets will come in my name and they will deceive many. That's exactly what's happened. The Bible also predicts as we're going to see that the Muslim countries will figure greatly into the war of Armageddon and into the last days' conquest of the world. The Bible predicts a time when the descendants of Ishmael are going to be very, very powerful and very numerous.
Islam can be found in great numbers on every continent. Many think Islam must be confined to the Middle East. It must be confined to the Bedouins and the desert dwellers, but this is not the case. Indonesia has a great Muslim population. Africa has a huge Muslim population. Europe and America have a sizeable Muslim population. So, Islam is a mobile religion. It has been carried by followers of Islam to every continent. It's surprising to find in every culture and in every continent strong numbers of Islam. So if we put our heads in the sand and we say, "We don't want to study it. We're afraid of it." Then we're not going to understand what's going to happen in the last days.
The concept of Jihad has two aspects, the Islamic requirements that the individual must practice to be a worthy Muslim. (While there are five tenets of Islam, there are other certain requirements that are made especially by the extremists. This is a part of Jihad.) So the Islamic person that's on a Jihad has to submit himself to rigorous training. He has to be fit mentally. He has to be fit morally. He has to be fit in his skills because he is a warrior for Allah.
We are seeing in almost every major population center a Muslim Mosque or house of Islamic worship. That was not the case twenty years ago. Islam is the fastest growing religion in America today. With the migration of so many Muslims into this country Islam has become a larger part of our multi-culture society. It is imperative that believers know what they believe, why, and how to reach them for Jesus. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the only way to heaven and if we really love all men, we do not want them to be deceived and follow false gods, but to come to faith in Jesus Christ. And so, the importance of understanding Islam. It has extremely important implications.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
On the anniversary of the 911 attacks, it amazes me that with 9 years to reflect, there is so much that has not been learned. Listening to Mayor Bloombergs’s interview, he still doesn’t get it. Brian Kilmead on Fox came closest when he said, “All Islamist are not terrorist, but all terrorist seem to be Islamist.” (that may not be an exact quote, but it is close.) There are those who continue to try to escape the obvious, this was is rooted in radical religion.
There is an Islamic connection that cannot be overlooked. The terrorists that attacked America didn't just happen to be Islamic. The fact that they were Islamic had everything to do with why they attacked America. Questions that should be asked include:
• What are the beliefs and origins of Islam?
• What do the six million Muslims living in America believe?
• Islam and terrorism; why and how are they connected?
• Why do Muslims around the world, and even in America, have such a hatred for Israel, a democracy that actively supports the United States?
• Why do so many Muslims hate the United States?
• Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
• What is a Jihad? What does it really mean?
• Why is Islam important?
• How did Islam begin?
All you have to do is listen, to know that radical Islam has not only social, economic, and political goals, but religious goals as well. Radical Islam believes that any means are justified if it achieves its end of bringing the world under submission to Allah.
One of the first rules of warfare is to know your enemy. In World War II England’s Montgomery said that his defeat of Germany’s Rommel was because he had studied his enemy and knew what he would do next. If the United States’ leadership would study our enemy and their “sacred Scriptures” they would know that September 11, was just the beginning. The religious fanatics of Islam will not rest until Sharia law rules every land they occupy.
In addition, the Muslim nations are galvanized against Israel and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad makes no bones about wanting to annihilate Israel. As long as the United States supports Israel (and the Bible says that God will bless those who do and curse those who don’t) the radicals of this religion will target us.
September 11, 2001; this was the worst terrorist attack on America in the history of our nation. More people died on September 11th in the attack on the Pentagon and the attack on the World Trade Center than died at Pearl Harbor. Almost as many died on that day as died in the American Revolution of Independence. It was a very significant day that has forever changed our country.
Larry King on the Tuesday evening just after the attack, said to one of the rescue workers, “I guess you had to resort to prayer.” I wanted to say, “Larry, Larry, Larry--Prayer is not the last resort, it is the first choice.
“Sometimes something useless happens on earth. Bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people.” Ecclesiastes 8:14 (NCV)
There is an Islamic connection that cannot be overlooked. The terrorists that attacked America didn't just happen to be Islamic. The fact that they were Islamic had everything to do with why they attacked America. Questions that should be asked include:
• What are the beliefs and origins of Islam?
• What do the six million Muslims living in America believe?
• Islam and terrorism; why and how are they connected?
• Why do Muslims around the world, and even in America, have such a hatred for Israel, a democracy that actively supports the United States?
• Why do so many Muslims hate the United States?
• Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
• What is a Jihad? What does it really mean?
• Why is Islam important?
• How did Islam begin?
All you have to do is listen, to know that radical Islam has not only social, economic, and political goals, but religious goals as well. Radical Islam believes that any means are justified if it achieves its end of bringing the world under submission to Allah.
One of the first rules of warfare is to know your enemy. In World War II England’s Montgomery said that his defeat of Germany’s Rommel was because he had studied his enemy and knew what he would do next. If the United States’ leadership would study our enemy and their “sacred Scriptures” they would know that September 11, was just the beginning. The religious fanatics of Islam will not rest until Sharia law rules every land they occupy.
In addition, the Muslim nations are galvanized against Israel and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad makes no bones about wanting to annihilate Israel. As long as the United States supports Israel (and the Bible says that God will bless those who do and curse those who don’t) the radicals of this religion will target us.
September 11, 2001; this was the worst terrorist attack on America in the history of our nation. More people died on September 11th in the attack on the Pentagon and the attack on the World Trade Center than died at Pearl Harbor. Almost as many died on that day as died in the American Revolution of Independence. It was a very significant day that has forever changed our country.
Larry King on the Tuesday evening just after the attack, said to one of the rescue workers, “I guess you had to resort to prayer.” I wanted to say, “Larry, Larry, Larry--Prayer is not the last resort, it is the first choice.
“Sometimes something useless happens on earth. Bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people.” Ecclesiastes 8:14 (NCV)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Hell is a subject rarely discussed, but when it is it is either hotly debated or lightly dismissed. All kinds of arguments are given against it, both by laymen and theologians alike, as if denying the concept of hell, therefore destroys the reality of hell.
The world scoffs at the idea of hell. Men of God who dare to preach the truth of the Bible concerning this terrible place, are sarcastically labeled "hell fire and damnation preachers." Even many church members squirm in their seats and get a little embarrassed when the pastor preaches on hell.
Sometimes people say, "I think all the hell you are going to get is in this world." That is only partially true. If you are saved, the only hell you will ever know is in this world. But when you die you are going to go to heaven and be with Jesus forever and ever. No more sorrow. No more heartache. No more grief. No more pain. All the hell saved people ever experience is what they experience on this earth. But if you do not know Christ as your Savior and you die in that lost condition, whatever misery you have experienced on the earth will be just the beginning and then in hell forever and forever. No rest day or night.
Someone dies and they say he's out of his misery. Is he? Is he really out of his misery? No. If you die without Christ you are not out of your misery, your misery is just beginning. Tormented. No rest day and night.
I have people tell me, “I don't like everlasting punishment." Then take your scissors and cut it out of the Bible. The Bible teaches it. The same Bible which teaches everlasting life and a place of everlasting bliss in heaven is the Bible that teaches there is an everlasting place of wrath-forever and forever. It says they have no rest day or night. No rest.
Do I believe that there is fire in hell? Jesus talked in terms of fire in hell. Either the fire in hell is literal or it is something so more serious, something more drastic that fire is the only thing that can even begin to describe it. Whatever it is-you don't want to go to hell. Whatever it is-you don't want to face this torment of fire and brimstone.
An Indiana Cemetery, I am told, has a tombstone over 100 years old that bears this epitaph:
Pause, stranger, when you pass me by,
As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, so you will be,
So prepare for death, and follow me.
Well some unknown passerby read those words and scratched this reply below them:
To follow you, I'm not content,
Until I know which way you went.
The world scoffs at the idea of hell. Men of God who dare to preach the truth of the Bible concerning this terrible place, are sarcastically labeled "hell fire and damnation preachers." Even many church members squirm in their seats and get a little embarrassed when the pastor preaches on hell.
Sometimes people say, "I think all the hell you are going to get is in this world." That is only partially true. If you are saved, the only hell you will ever know is in this world. But when you die you are going to go to heaven and be with Jesus forever and ever. No more sorrow. No more heartache. No more grief. No more pain. All the hell saved people ever experience is what they experience on this earth. But if you do not know Christ as your Savior and you die in that lost condition, whatever misery you have experienced on the earth will be just the beginning and then in hell forever and forever. No rest day or night.
Someone dies and they say he's out of his misery. Is he? Is he really out of his misery? No. If you die without Christ you are not out of your misery, your misery is just beginning. Tormented. No rest day and night.
I have people tell me, “I don't like everlasting punishment." Then take your scissors and cut it out of the Bible. The Bible teaches it. The same Bible which teaches everlasting life and a place of everlasting bliss in heaven is the Bible that teaches there is an everlasting place of wrath-forever and forever. It says they have no rest day or night. No rest.
Do I believe that there is fire in hell? Jesus talked in terms of fire in hell. Either the fire in hell is literal or it is something so more serious, something more drastic that fire is the only thing that can even begin to describe it. Whatever it is-you don't want to go to hell. Whatever it is-you don't want to face this torment of fire and brimstone.
An Indiana Cemetery, I am told, has a tombstone over 100 years old that bears this epitaph:
Pause, stranger, when you pass me by,
As you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, so you will be,
So prepare for death, and follow me.
Well some unknown passerby read those words and scratched this reply below them:
To follow you, I'm not content,
Until I know which way you went.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Koran burning
Okay, most of us agree that the buring of the Koran planned by the pastor in Florida is NOT what Jesus would do. It is okay for others to burn our flag, bibles, etc, and that be a statement of freedom of speech.... and I haven't heard anyone say that this pastor does not have the freedom to do what he plans.... but it just isn't wise. Of course we don't do things just because we can. Which leads me to my point.
How much responsibility in this whole thing does the MEDIA bear? If the media had ignored this guy and his church of 50,it would be a NON-ISSUE both nationally and internationally. The media has made it what it is and to a large degree is responsible if bad things happen to American troops, or violence here in our homeland. The media chooses what to cover and what not to cover. A good question is why did they choose to cover this misguided theolog who wishes to turn his faith into a political incendiary.
Just asking. What do you think?
How much responsibility in this whole thing does the MEDIA bear? If the media had ignored this guy and his church of 50,it would be a NON-ISSUE both nationally and internationally. The media has made it what it is and to a large degree is responsible if bad things happen to American troops, or violence here in our homeland. The media chooses what to cover and what not to cover. A good question is why did they choose to cover this misguided theolog who wishes to turn his faith into a political incendiary.
Just asking. What do you think?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Coming back soon
A few weeks ago I signed off all social media for a break. I will return soon with regular blogs. Thank you for checking while I was away. I will facebook when I have a new entry.
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