April 20, 2015
It is great to be back home. We enjoyed the days we were gone. I want you to know that I prayed for each of you individually and by name while we were in Israel. I know the location of our prayers does not matter, but I wanted you to know you were on my heart while I was away.
This coming Sunday, May 3, I would like to take the class time to show you pictures from our trip and answer any questions you may have about the places we visited or what we did. If I could I would take each of you with me on one of these trips. It can make such a big difference in your understanding of the Bible. I hear people talk about how the trip will change you. That is true only if you desire to be changed--to gain understanding and apply what you find to your living.
My prayer is that your faith will be more real to you each day and that what we learn from our study of God's Word will be more than print on a page, but truths which you can and will apply to your everyday living. Our time together is so much more than just visiting occasionally.
I hope to see you this coming Sunday.
Bro. Tommy