Over the years of my ministry there has been a shift among the majority of those who attend the local church. I would not say “all” but for many the mood is:
More “I want to be served” than “I want to serve.”
More “doubt” and less “faith”
More “suspicion” and less “trust”
More “how I feel” than “what are the facts”
More “If I don’t like something, I will go somewhere else,” than “loyalty”
More “emotion” than “true worship”
More “what I want to do” than “commitment”
More “what I believe” than “absolute truth”
More “I believe” than “the Bible says”
More “postmodern” less “God says it, that settles it”
We have “marketed” the church so much that we have created a “shopper” mentality. Churches compete with facilities, programs and every gimmick and teaching the basics of the Word of God as they apply to life has fallen way behind. We do not equip our children to be prepared for the hostilities of the world. The big reason is that our parents are not living lifestyles any different from the world. Most churches today truly have “a form of godliness” without any power. God help us. Pray for revival in the church, local and universal.