Okay, most of us agree that the buring of the Koran planned by the pastor in Florida is NOT what Jesus would do. It is okay for others to burn our flag, bibles, etc, and that be a statement of freedom of speech.... and I haven't heard anyone say that this pastor does not have the freedom to do what he plans.... but it just isn't wise. Of course we don't do things just because we can. Which leads me to my point.
How much responsibility in this whole thing does the MEDIA bear? If the media had ignored this guy and his church of 50,it would be a NON-ISSUE both nationally and internationally. The media has made it what it is and to a large degree is responsible if bad things happen to American troops, or violence here in our homeland. The media chooses what to cover and what not to cover. A good question is why did they choose to cover this misguided theolog who wishes to turn his faith into a political incendiary.
Just asking. What do you think?