Local elections are taking place around the county. Our mid-term elections for U. S. Congress are soon upon us. Once again I find myself asking, where are the people of character, the people who through the years have risen to the occasion, locally and nationally (even world-wide).
In our present elections beliefs do matter. I am reminded that God says, “What a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7) Those people who believe the politicians who say “elect me. It doesn’t make any difference how I live or what I believe, because I can work in office,” are finding out that what a person thinks is exactly what he will do. What he thinks in private is what he will do in public. It is essential we know as much as possible about a candidate.
We are seeing a tremendous breakdown in leadership because those who are being offered for political office are to often people lacking in character.
How do we describe character?
• Someone has said character is what we are when nobody is looking.
• Someone else has said character is there when the charm goes away.
It is not the same as reputation. Reputation is what people may think of us; character is what we know that we are. As you approach the election this year remember, you know what a man really believes by how he behaves. Don’t listen to what he says, watch what he does.