Thursday, June 3, 2010

Moths, Lions, and Silence

In Hosea 5, we read of the consequences of spiritual adultery, spiritual immorality. When God’s people put other things ahead of Him, when they go after other gods instead of being faithful to the one true God, the God their Savior, there is a series of consequences--unbelievable pictures.

Look at verse 12. This is God talking. "There will I be unto Ephraim as a moth… Have you ever sat outside on a warm summer night. You have the porch light on and a moth comes around that light. Just flittering and fluttering. Nothing big, just a moth tormenting, staying at him, working with him. Has God been to you like a moth? Have things come into your life that just sort of bug you? It may be God's moth to wake you up.

Look at the second picture in verse 14. "For I will be unto Ephraim as a lion….” There is a big difference between a moth and a lion, wouldn’t you say? The moth is pesky, but the lion is ferocious. The lion comes swiftly, suddenly. The lion comes reeking havoc. Has God tried to get your attention through some pretty traumatic things in your life? But some still get away from the lion.

Here's the most terrible of all in verse 15. God says, "I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offense….” If you get away from the lion, God says, “I’ll go away.” Why? Because you have neglected the relationship—you have pushed him out. If you are no longer feeling the “moth of God” bothering you when you are not being faithful to Him in things; or when the stuff of life is “roaring like a lion” in your life because you are not where you know you should be, at least you know God’s presence. But what about when He goes away?

How long does He go away? Verse 15, “’til they seek my face...” God says—then I'll go back where I came from until they come to their senses. When they finally hit rock bottom, maybe they'll come looking for me.

Believers in America, how long until you return?