Why Do I Follow Jesus?
In John 2, we read the story of Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding. Jesus took six jars full of water (about 120 gallons of water) and turned it into pure sparkling wine. The Bible says that when He did that, He manifested His glory (v. 11). They saw the glory of God. They saw a great miracle. We are told that many believed on Him when they saw the miracle that He did (John 2:23).
Then the in the same chapter, John 2, verse 24 we read, “But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men, and because He did not need anyone to testify concerning man, for He Himself knew what was in man.”
They liked the Man who could turn water into wine. They wanted to join up as a follower. But Jesus knew they were only miracle mongers. Jesus knew they only followed Him because He had worked miracles. He knew that down in their heart, they did not know, love, or respect Him for who He was. They only saw His acts; they did not know His heart and ways.
In John chapter 9, you find the story of the man who was born blind and Jesus healed him. The Pharisees were angry because Jesus had healed on the Sabbath. They interrogated the man and said, “Tell us, who healed you? What were His credentials?” They could not deny that his eyes had been opened, so they said, “Was He a sinner or not a sinner?”
Look at his response. He said in verse 25, “Whether He is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.” That is fine. That is a good testimony, as far as it goes, because that is all he knew. He didn’t know whether Jesus Christ was a sinner of not a sinner. All he knew was that He opened his eyes. But, would that have been a good testimony a month or two later, or three or four years later to say, ‘whether He is a sinner, I do not know?”
If all you see is the works of God, that might make you a testifier, but it will never make you a teacher. You have to know the ways of God to be a teacher. All this man knew was the works of God, “I was blind, now I see, whether He is a sinner, I do not know.”
My point? There are all kinds of people who know the works of God, but they do not understand the ways of God. They see what God does, but they do not know who God is. They don’t understand the heart of God.
You have to live with a person to know their ways. To know the ways of God is a personal relationship.
God knows your heart. Why do you follow Him? Do you desire to know His heart and His ways? It is only then that you begin to understand the why. It is because He is a loving God who desires to reconcile you to Himself. He has reached out to you through Jesus Christ.
Father God,
The desire of my heart is that I may know You, not just your ways. May I know your heart, understanding that your commands are for our good and Your glory. May I walk in a way that reflects Your heart, and your love.
In Christ’s name, Amen.