Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Shift

Over the years of my ministry there has been a shift among the majority of those who attend the local church. I would not say “all” but for many the mood is:
More “I want to be served” than “I want to serve.”
More “doubt” and less “faith”
More “suspicion” and less “trust”
More “how I feel” than “what are the facts”
More “If I don’t like something, I will go somewhere else,” than “loyalty”
More “emotion” than “true worship”
More “what I want to do” than “commitment”
More “what I believe” than “absolute truth”
More “I believe” than “the Bible says”
More “postmodern” less “God says it, that settles it”
We have “marketed” the church so much that we have created a “shopper” mentality. Churches compete with facilities, programs and every gimmick and teaching the basics of the Word of God as they apply to life has fallen way behind. We do not equip our children to be prepared for the hostilities of the world. The big reason is that our parents are not living lifestyles any different from the world. Most churches today truly have “a form of godliness” without any power. God help us. Pray for revival in the church, local and universal.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Still thinking about Worship

One of my favorite stories in the Old Testament is the story of Elijah on Mt. Carmel where he came before the children of Israel at a very decisive time in the nation. The people of Israel were wavering as to whether they were going to worship the false god Baal or worship God Jehovah.
I really believe that is where America is today. Polls show that Americans believe in God, they also show that their belief in God doesn’t make much difference in their daily lives. A syncretism of materialism and theism has replaced the command to worship Jehovah God and Him alone.
I believe a number of Christians have sold out to the world. They are sort of worldly Christians. It is not that they do not love God. They do love God. But if they were to take a stand for God, I mean go hard for God and let the devil take the hind road no matter what anybody else thinks, there is no telling what would happen in America.
The problem of that the church today is a half-hearted love for God, a half-hearted worship, and a half-hearted lifestyle. Thre are too many churches who have a form of godliness, but none of its power.
The evangelist Billy Sunday said, “We talk about worldly Christians, we might as well talk about heavenly devils. . .”
In the Mt. Carmel encounter:
1. Worship was the issue. The people went to the mountain over the issue of who they were going to worship: Baal or Jehovah. The issue was actually lordship, who would be lord of their lives? In our world today, it seems the answer for many is evident and it is not Jehovah.
2. Elijah’s worship invited God’s power. His worship was so powerful that God came by fire and demonstrated himself with such divine power that it defies human explanation. How much happens in the average church today that demands divine explanation? How many things do churches do that depends on God’s power?
3. The people responded with worship and awe when they saw God’s power. When they saw that the Lord was God Jehovah, they immediately turned from the false gods and began to worship the Lord. When people see that we have a God who offers something more—peace in the midst of the storm, the ability to live beyond the circumstances of life, meaning and purpose to life, they will desire that as well. People respond when they see God’s working and moving in power.
God will not demonstrate His power when the people who are called by His Name are not as committed to him as they are the other areas of life. He must not only be present, or even prominent; He demands preeminence.

REQUEST: Please pray for my youngest daughter. As I write this, she is back in the hospital with no explanations. . .

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Preparing to Worship on Sunday AM

I haven't posted a blog in sometime, but hope to get back to it regularly. I was preparing for this coming Sunday and I thought of a few things that I really wish people would take seriously in preparation for Worship on Sunday. I think it would help you concentrate on Him when you come to church on Sunday.
1. It is a good idea to make sure your entire family retires early enough on Saturday evening to be resete4d and ready to meet God on Sunday. Bad idea to stay out late, etc.
1. Plan to arrive early enough sot hat you aren't distracted by hurry and are not a distraticon to others by arriving late.
3. Jot down specific actions or decisions you need to make as direct response to what God says to you from His Word.
4. Listen to the message in the songs with enthusiasm.
5. Consider your giving to be an act of worship and devotion to Him
6. The Bible teaches us to "greet one another". The church is the spiritual family and we need to develop a sincere interest in one another.
7. Respect the Lord's day

just a few thoughts that would enrich Sunday for you.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Haven't posted for a while.

Been immersed in "intense" preparation time for new series. Hopefull will return to posts in next week or two. Thank you to those who have asked....

Monday, October 5, 2009


Experience is a very slippery word.
Dr. J. I. Packer said, "Experience coming to imperfectly sanctified sinners cannot help but have dross mixed in with the gold. No experience just by happening can authenticate itself as sent by God to further His work of grace."
The mere fact that a Christian has an experience does not make it a Christian experience. As a matter of fact, the same phenomena that Christians claim to experience have also been experienced by non-Christians.
One of the interesting studies points out that there are people both inside and outside the Christian faith that have had out-of-body experiences. Lost people have the same experiences. Anthropologists know that among primitive, pagan tribes similar incidents have occurred...where folks spoke in unknown tongues, had visions, there were prophetic utterances...there were physical healings, there were casting out of contrary spirits...I mean these things happened among pagans in primitive tribes.
Now, this doesn't mean that all similar Christian experience is false. What it does mean is that such experience cannot authenticate itself. And this is extremely vital to understand. Experience cannot authenticate itself. You cannot say, "I've had this experience and that means it's authentic." You just can't do that. It has no basis because experience is a subjective part of our lives.
Then also in this matter of experience, there is the inclination to make our experience a standard for everyone else. Have you ever noticed that? If God healed me, that means God will heal you. If God made me wealthy, that means God wants all His children to be wealthy. Let God do something extraordinary for one person and we rush to declare that it's the ordinary experience for every Christian. But, it is not.
The sole and final authority must be the Word of God.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009



Luke 16:10 (NASB95)
10 “He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much."

Trust must be earned. Jesus taught that trust is not just granted with earning it. He says, “if you cannot be faithful over a few things, why should I give you more things?” Think about parents and children for a moment. One of the biggest issues you deal with in the parent/child relationship is the issue of trust. You ask your teenager, “Can I trust you to go where you say you are going and be back on time?” Every time they do it right, they get a little more trust. Every time they do it wrong, parents pull back a little bit. One of the principles a parent learns is, “if I cannot trust you in everything, I cannot trust you in anything.”

That is why a lack of trust in a marriage is one of the most difficult things to deal with. The lack of honesty, leads to a lack of trust. Why is it then that so many think that deception is good? If a man will deceive you in one thing, he will deceive in something else. I have had people say that they deceived because they felt it was necessary for a higher good. That is absolutely ludicrous. How can you use something that is evil to accomplish something good? It goes against all the Bible teaches.
God asks, “Can I trust you?” Trust must be earned. It is not just granted. You cannot say you would be faithful teaching 100, if you haven’t shown your faithfulness teaching 5. The more we earn trust, the more trust is given. The more we show that we don’t deserve trust, the more trust is pulled away.

With how much can God trust you? Can he trust you with time? Talent? Money? How are you using what you have for Him? Don’t say, “If God would just do this or that, then I would do more.” If you are faithful in what you already have, you will not be faithful with more.

I wonder how many blessings we miss because we wait for sometime, somewhere under the rainbow, for that opportunity to hit us. “Am I trustworthy right now?” Why would God give me more if I misuse what I have?

Lord, Help me to be faithful with what you have seen fit to entrust to my care—time, talents, responsibilities. AMEN

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Islam on Capitol Hill

Islam on Capitol Hill

Washington, D.C. - On September 25th there will be a national prayer gathering of Muslims on the west front of the U.S. Capitol Building. They are expecting at least 50,000 to attend from mosques all across America. They will gather to pray from 4:00 AM until 7:00 PM. The gathering will take place by the site where U.S. Presidents have been inaugurated since 1981. The organizers say that it was Obama's inauguration speech in January and his speech broadcast from Egypt in June that gave them the idea for this prayer gathering on Capitol Hill.
They have a website set up for this event. If you never look at another website look at this one, especially the final words: islamoncapitolhill.com

How about this response from an average American wife/mother.

I did look at the site.....Im sorry but cannot find anything wrong with it as it states:

Thousands of Muslims from all races, creeds, colors and ethnicities will gather for the sole purpose of prayer
Bonds of friendship will be formed between those in attendance, both Muslims and Non-Muslims
Muslim youth will experience tours of the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court.
The peace, beauty and solidarity of Islam will shine through America's capitol.

I think....
prayer lifted up should be celebrated....
and what about freedom of religion....

The single most important belief in Islam, and arguably the central theme of Islam, is that there is only one God
Isnt that what we believe
Other prophets are important in Islam as well, all of which are shared with the Jews or the Christians.
We also teach our children the Bible stories of the prophets....moses, elijah, etc and are key readings in our church services
For a Muslim, the object of life is to live in a way that is pleasing to Allah so that one may gain Paradise. It is believed that at puberty, an account of each person's deeds is opened, and this will be used at the Day of Judgment to determine his eternal fate.
dont we too believe that we need to live as God wants us to so that we can go to heaven - we are saved by our faith. We also believe in a judgement day
Muslims consider their religion to the be the one true religion, and invite people of all races, nationalities and religions to be part of it.Isnt this what all religions are --- belief in their own and inviting all others to believe their way......

I just dont want fear to fuel my existence---- I dont want to believe they are there to pray to turn everyone against americans because they too are americans....

Not trying to argue...just had to add my own opinion ----- I just cant critize prayer --- it is too powerful and I'd like to believe God-- allah -- yahweh -- jehovah---its him and he hears all prayers

Now my words…Does anybody see a problem here? Do we not realize that this is NOT what Islam teaches. The Koran teaches that they are not to stop until the entire world is Islam (which means submission). That whatever means necessary to make it happen is acceptable (even violence and terrorism). Don’t believe this propaganda put out by Islam. It is deception to the highest. Jesus said in Matthew 24:4 “see to it that no one deceives you, many will come in My name, saying ‘I am the Christ,” and shall deceive many.”

Come on now! This is not what our forefathers had in mind. Study history and the founding documents, etc.

I am not saying they don't have a right if they are Ameican Citizens, but this is telling about our direction, and Islamic efforts to "evangelize" the world. Look at what has happened in Britain and Europe. I personally don't want to go that way.

BTW, the President would not even have prayer bkfst at Whitehouse this year--- first time in years. Brian McLaren and his church are joining the Muslims celebrating Ramadan.... check this out (http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2009-09-18-ramadan-christians_N.htm?csp=usat.me) Where are we headed?
God help us.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

? what?

After the last post someone asked me, "What about Brian McLaren, Mark Driscoll, Doug Paget?"

My response.... ?what?

Passing the Baton

Passing the Baton

The critical point in a relay race is the passing of the baton. We are now seeing the passing of the baton from one generation of leadership to the next in the SBC and really evangelical Christianity in America. In the last decade many of my heroes of the faith have gone to glory—men like Adrian Rogers, James Kennedy, Jerry Falwell, etc. Not that I always agreed with them, but they had a public voice and when they spoke, people listened. They had a commanding presence and were willing to stand in the public square and boldly proclaim the Word of God.
Recently, we have seen the retirement of the Executive Director of the SBC (Morris Chapman), the president of the International Mission Board (Jerry Rankin) and the vacating of the presidency of the North American Mission Board (Dr. Hammonds). Who will rise to fill these positions of leadership in the flagship of evangelical churches in America? It is truly a telling moment.
While there are leaders today with the ability, who will rise to the task? Who, in our day has the respect of both Christians and the fear of public officials? James Dobson is left, but retired and slowing down. Joel Olsteen? I don’t think so—Rick Warren? No chance. Bill Hybles? Naw…..
Our brightest and our best seem to be at the helm of our seminaries, but we need role models standing weekly behind the pulpit and challenging Christians, prophets who will stand in the public arena, point a finger in the face of politicians (as Nathan dud), media and society, and be willing to say, “YOU are the man!” Evangelicals have been the conscience of this country since her inception, but there voice has become a whisper. Instead of fearing the Christian community and her influence, Christians have become the whipping boy and the butt of the jokes.
The church needs revival and reform from the leadership down. I say from the leadership down, because it seems to rise and fall on leadership (check out the Scripture). We are in great danger, however, because the call of the Emergent leaders is not to revival and authenticity, but to change the message—(that is another topic). The common ground is becoming smaller and smaller. “The Bible says” has been replaced by “I believe the Bible teaches.” Where is the dogma? Is there no black and white anywhere? Are there no absolutes? The emergent leadership are asking the question of Pilate—what is truth? Do they not know? Where are the leaders who have the knowledge and the skill to reprove and rebuke?
When I go to the doctor, I don’t want him to say, well it could be the tonsils, it might be the gall bladder, so I think we will take out a kidney and see what happens. No. I want a diagnosis and a treatment that will cure the ill. We know the disease, we know the cure. Who will answer the call to stand in the public arena and address these issues?
Beginning in the pulpits of the smallest rural church and continuing to the largest mega-congregation, we need men of God who are willing to stand and preach the Word of God (not their opinion) without apology---The reason we may have a lack of authenticity in the pew is because we have a lack of authenticity in the pulpit. Certainly we are in difficult days (2 Timothy 3), and it seems that many are “holding to a form of godliness” but having none of the power.
When Isaiah was commissioned, we read in Isaiah 6:8-11 (NASB95)
8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” 9 He said, “Go, and tell this people: ‘Keep on listening, but do not perceive; Keep on looking, but do not understand.’ 10 “Render the hearts of this people insensitive, Their ears dull, And their eyes dim, Otherwise they might see with their eyes, Hear with their ears, Understand with their hearts, And return and be healed.” 11 Then I said, “Lord, how long?” And He answered, “Until cities are devastated and without inhabitant, Houses are without people And the land is utterly desolate,
We never give up preaching the Word of Truth until the land is utterly desolate.
The baton is being passed, the runners seem to have stumbled, let’s not drop the baton.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Negative People

Negative People

Negative people expect only tarnish off a silver platter. They are seasick during the entire voyage of their life. They have adopted Chisolm’s Law—“Anytime things appear to be getting better you have overlooked something.”
My grandmother said to me one time, “I am so worried things are going too smooth, something must be wrong.” She worried that there was nothing to worry about.
Negative thinkers don’t build churches. In fact, they don’t believe great churches can be built.
The most important thing about us is our attitude. Attitude is important because your thoughts govern your action. The question is, “Are you guided by negative or positive thoughts?” I personally have a hard time tolerating a negative attitude. Why? Because I battle a negative attitude all day everyday, and if I can have victory over a negative attitude, you can as well. And while I battle with a negative attitude, I don’t need someone with a bad attitude pulling my good attitude down.
Do you live by Murphy’s law? It says, nothing is as easy as it looks; everything takes longer than you expect; and if anything can go wrong it will and at the worst possible moment.
Or you can say, “Nothing is as hard as it looks; everything is more rewarding than you expect; and if anything can go right it will, and at the best possible time.
Romans 12:2 (NASB95)
2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.